Corporate governance principles

Corporate governance principles

United Bankers Plc’s decision-making and corporate governance is conducted in compliance with the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act and other laws and regulations governing the operations of listed companies in Finland, as well as the company’s Articles of Association, Codes of Procedure of the Board of Directors and of the committees, company policies and guidelines, along with the rules and regulations issued by the European Securities and Markets Authority, Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority and Nasdaq Helsinki.

United Bankers complies with the recommendations of the Finnish Corporate Governance Code for listed companies, published by the Securities Market Association, which came into effect on 1 January 2025. The Corporate Governance Code is available from the website of the Securities Market Association at


Furthermore, as the owning entity of investment services companies and a fund management company, United Bankers Plc is obligated to comply with the national and European financial industry regulation in force in Finland. Therefore, the corporate governance and decision-making of the United Bankers Group is also carried out in compliance with the provisions of the Act on Investment Services, Act on Credit Institutions, as applicable, Act on Common Funds and the Act on Alternative Investment Fund Managers, as well as the guidelines issued by the European Banking Authority (EBA). The United Bankers Group also abides by the trading guidelines pertaining to those member entities of the Finance Finland that provide investment services.