Corporate Sustainability

Corporate Sustainability

Responsible pacesetter in Prosperity

At United Bankers, sustainability is broadly defined as economic, social, and environmental responsibility. As a company, United Bankers wants to take responsibility and support sustainable development of society and the environment. This is reflected in our strategy, values and actions. Sustainability is a key part of the company’s value creation process as well as United Bankers’ growth strategy.

United Bankers' sustainability programme

United Bankers wants to take responsibility for society and the environment and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. In practice, sustainability is reflected in client and stakeholder relations, responsible investment and product range, employee well-being and sound corporate governance. In addition, climate change, human rights and biodiversity are relevant cross-cutting sustainability themes.

We drive the transition to a sustainable economy and increase our clients’ wealth sustainably

Our goals

• Sustainability targets beyond Net Zero
• Long term client relationships
• International best practices


Responsible investing is one of United Bankers' cornerstones and we have integrated sustainability aspects as part of our investment operations. A significant part of United Bankers’ impact on society and the environment is realised through the investment products and services it offers. We operate according to the best international practices of responsible investing and continually develop our operations.

The primary objective of our investment activities is to achieve sustainably the highest possible return, at the customer’s preferred risk level, both in the long and in the short term. As part of the materialisation of this objective, we consider in our investment decisions how environmental and social responsibility, as well as good governance (ESG factors) actualise in our investment objects. We believe that taking the sustainability aspect into account also has a positive effect on the return on the investments. The integration of the sustainability aspect as part of our products and services is also an essential part of the overall risk management within our corporate group.

Our investment activities are guided by United Bankers' Responsible Investment Principles. The principles are approved by the Board of Directors and updated and guided in practice by the United Bankers’ Responsibility Steering Group.

Further information: Responsible investing

We provide meaningful work and inspiring opportunities

Our goals

  • Professional and enthusiastic staff
  • A diverse and close-knit working community

People are our company's most important asset. With well-performing, skilled and committed staff, we ensure continuity of our operations and a high level of expertise. Goal-oriented work and competence development are the cornerstones of performance and meaningful work.

United Bankers was founded in 1986 and the founding shareholders are still involved in the company's activities. We have a strong tradition, but we also understand the importance of renewal and development. It is based on a supportive and team-oriented culture, which we continuously strive to build.

We offer our staff comprehensive occupational health services and a wide range of employee benefits. Job satisfaction and well-being are monitored through regular staff surveys and questionnaires, which help to identify potential development needs. In addition, occupational health services and an active health and safety committee contribute to ensuring staff well-being.

In addition to good health, opportunities to influence one’s work-life balance also contribute to staying fit for work. Flexibility in working life is supported through, for example, teleworking opportunities, flexible working hours and the possibility to work a shorter working week. United Bankers supports employees with families in their daily lives by, among other things, providing the opportunity for a to a childcare service for sick children.

The company's equality and non-discrimination plan aims to support the creation of a fair and equitable working environment. We are committed to promoting equality and non-discrimination in all our activities. The Group's diversity targets were set in 2022. Our organisational culture is influenced by factors such as a wide age range, multilingualism and diverse educational backgrounds. A diverse workplace is a strength in serving different customers, combining our skills and adapting to change. We strive to ensure equal pay and promotion opportunities.

Our asset management and brokerage services and investment funds carry the Key Flag logo as a sign of our Finnish origin and employment impact in Finland.

We are transparent and accountable for our actions

Our goals

• Insightful reporting on the impacts of our activities
• Sustainability fully integrated into remuneration, decision making and risk management

Sound corporate governance is one of the cornerstones of United Bankers’ operations. United Bankers’ activities are always based on good corporate governance, legislation and regulatory guidelines. Effective and accountable governance is based on a high level of expertise within the company and on continuous improvement.

United Bankers strives to communicate openly, transparently and equitably with all its stakeholders. The aim of communication is to build and maintain a positive corporate image of the Group and to give a true and fair view of the Group, its activities, objectives, strategy, and financial situation.


It is of paramount importance that privacy and banking secrecy are maintained at all times. Customer data and assets are processed diligently and in accordance with the applicable data security regulation. Our entire staff receives regular training to ensure compliance with authority regulations and proficiency in internal practices and guidelines. Sustainability aspects are also integrated into our remuneration practices.

Social cooperation

To take responsibility for the sustainable development of society and the environment, United Bankers has integrated sustainability into its strategy, operations and values. In addition, it recognises that corporate social responsibility extends beyond the Group’s own sphere of activity to the wider society. Each year, United Bankers supports projects and initiatives related to sustainable development of society and the environment.


Read more about our social support projects

prolongation of the war in Ukraine requires continuous support

United Bankers has made several significant donations through the Finnish Red Cross to support Ukrainians in the war-torn country. Many United Bankers employees also personally helped Ukrainians, including through financial donations, participating in the collection, shipment and delivery of supplies, and assisting with the transportation of refugees.

The Finnish Forest Foundation is supported by sales promotion fees from timber trade

United Bankers' UB Timberland Fund (AIF) participates in financing the Finnish Forest Foundation by voluntary sales promotion fees from timber trade. The Finnish Forest Foundation serves as a financier for communication among forest owners, the forest industry, and other groups dependent on forest-based livelihoods. The foundation's objectives include safeguarding the operating conditions of forestry and the forest industry, promoting the use of wood and wood-based products, and funding research in the social and economic aspects of the sector.

Supporting innovations in the education sector

United Bankers is a shareholder in the learning sector focused venture capital company, Ltd. A private equity fund, Sparkmind Fund, managed by, invests in growth companies within the field of education from early childhood education to learning solutions for companies.

Conservation of the Baltic Sea

United Bankers has supported Baltic Sea Action Group's (BSAG) work to protect the Baltic Sea for many years. The 2024 Christmas gift funds were also directed to BSAG. United Bankers intends to continue regularly supporting environmental ventures also in the future.

Pieni kulkija

For the fourth year in a row, in 2024 United Bankers supported children’s commutes to school by supporting the Pieni kulkija ("Little walker") service. 


This presentation contains information based on United Bankers Group´s evaluations along with information from other sources, which United Bankers Group has perceived dependable. This does not, however, exclude the possibility of inaccurate or incomplete information. The information on which the conclusions are based can change rapidly, and UB reserves the right to change the current views on the market without a separate notification. United Bankers Group and/or its co-operators and/or its employees accept no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss or damages of any kind arising out of the use of this document or any part of its content.